It is a pleasure to write my first letter to you, our valued client base as the new General Manager at AVANSER. While I am new to this role within AVANSER, I am no stranger to the company having done business with the AVANSER team for over 7 years in many forms.
Seeing the founders take the business from start up through to establishment and now into some new major growth opportunities, I am excited to now take the driver’s seat at AVANSER for the realisation of many years of market leading innovation, impressive client services and a refreshing can do attitude.
A big thanks needs to go to you, our loyal client – the client retention at AVANSER is incredibly high and we intend on keeping it that way for many years to come.
2017 is about further innovation for AVANSER. We are certainly still ahead of the competition in what we do, however we are aware that change is almost a constant in the marketing space. We will continue to develop based on new market conditions, client requests and into places where analytics can bring clarity to advertisers.
At AVANSER we solve our client’s challenges by offering real time call tracking & analysis, instant capture and reporting of marketing campaigns, streamline call system set up and reporting integration into existing dashboards and business systems.
Please reach out to me to talk about how AVANSER can meet your business needs and support your growth long into the future.