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Call Tracking in the Smartphone Era



It’s been proven time and time again that inbound phone calls are the most valuable lead type, so valuable in fact that marketers are heralding calls as the new click.

In fact, a staggering $68 billion is spent by marketers each year on advertising with the intention of driving phone leads. Undoubtedly, this will increase with the explosion in mobile traffic and calls driven by mobile search, estimated to rise to $65 billion by 2016. Let’s face it, we live in an era where smartphones never leave our side and they are our ever so helpful companion when we search for products and services in reaching our decision to buy.

Although it’s standard practice for businesses to measure their online effectiveness, what’s often missing is understanding the customer’s thought processes – before, during and after – they make the call after having searched for a product or service online.


Call tracking bridges this gap, and investing the resources to enable businesses to track calls and understand the customer’s mobile journey will pay off in the long-term and allow you to stay one step ahead of the game.

In a world where its become the norm for people to research online, buy offline, businesses need to be able to connect the various dots in a customer’s journey and understand the search initiatives which prompted them to make the call.

Call tracking allows businesses to track call-based revenue back to search ads and keywords, thus allowing marketers to optimise the ROI on their marketing activity. By 2018, mobile search alone will drive 73 billion calls per year and, in the face of surging mobile usage, closing the data gap between online search and offline purchase and managing the influx of calls will become more important than ever.



To learn more about how clever call tracking can benefit your business and optimise your ROI, why not book in for a free demo with AVANSER.


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