Even though call tracking has been around for some time now, it’s surprising how often businesses are still overlooking some of the basics to good call tracking. Is there anything missing in your call tracking solution?
Here is a list of absolute must do’s for effective call tracking:
- Utilize Multiple Numbers- To accurately calculate the ROI on your Marketing, you have to be able to attribute your calls to the marketing that generated them. The simplest and best way to do this is to utilise a single number per channel such as print, outdoor, online etc…. However, for channels generating high call volumes the best results come from using different numbers to track individual campaigns which allows you to optimise your marketing spend.
- Record Conversations– Recording conversations is a key element in any call tracking solution. It allows businesses to take the next step from simply tracking if their advertising is working, into customer satisfaction and ensuring that marketing leads get results from sales and customer service teams. Recording calls also opens businesses up to more cutting edge solutions like call evaluation, and transcription.
- Handle Missed Calls- You don’t need to miss another business call.When AVANSER detects a missed call, an email is triggered containing information on the caller and the number they called into, along with any voicemail messages that have been left. This is configured per answer point, to ensure that the right people are aware and can take action while sales leads are still hot.
- Dynamic Number Insertion- Use Tracking Numbers that intelligently determine where your leads are coming from. Tracking calls generated from online traffic is essential to ensuring you are getting the best bang for your marketing buck. AVANSER supplies a lightweight javascript code that can be placed on your site, or implemented through a tag manager solution. This javascript works alongside Google Analytics, and utilizes Google’s cookie to swap phone numbers on site depending on where the visitor arrived from. Know exactly which mediums, campaigns, and keywords generated your calls.
- Automate Where Possible- Data can be tricky with to deal with – let it resolve issues for you and not overwhelm you. AVANSER is a data based solution that helps measure progress, identify opportunities, and allows you to keep the good while scraping the bad. However, whilst everyone needs the results not everyone has the time to be wrangling data. It is continuous work to review, and analyse the vast troves of data available in any one business. We can make this easier by providing data that is useful and automating reports sent on a regular basis.
- Integrate- Integration with CRM’s and other dashboards is key to smooth operation of the business. Call data is useful, but call data merged with other datasets is game changing. Merging with CRMs allows businesses to not only see where someone called from and the call status, but who made the call? What was the call regarding? Have there been other forms of contact? Who has been speaking with them previously? Merging with dashboard and analytics solutions allows marketers to see which marketing generated calls, side by side with other metrics like clicks, emails, and impressions.
Call tracking is like a jigsaw puzzle, if one piece is missing – you won’t see the complete picture.
Contact AVANSER Account manager today for more tips and tricks to maximize ROI on your business.
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